full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Countdown: It's time to write a new climate story

Unscramble the Blue Letters

[Countdown is a non-profit global collaboration to champion and acerletcae solutions to the climate cirsis, turning ideas into action. It is an initiative intended to educate and aacttive.] [Everyone has a vital role to play.].
Don Cheadle: There's a story we've been writing together for hundreds of years.
Voiceover: Oil companies ctmpoee with each other ...
DC: It's about all of us. It takes place right here. It streatd for many of us as eicnmeoos were built. But growth rooted in extracting from our planet and our people came at a cost.

Open Cloze

[Countdown is a non-profit global collaboration to champion and __________ solutions to the climate ______, turning ideas into action. It is an initiative intended to educate and ________.] [Everyone has a vital role to play.].
Don Cheadle: There's a story we've been writing together for hundreds of years.
Voiceover: Oil companies _______ with each other ...
DC: It's about all of us. It takes place right here. It _______ for many of us as _________ were built. But growth rooted in extracting from our planet and our people came at a cost.


  1. crisis
  2. activate
  3. accelerate
  4. started
  5. compete
  6. economies

Original Text

[Countdown is a non-profit global collaboration to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, turning ideas into action. It is an initiative intended to educate and activate.] [Everyone has a vital role to play.].
Don Cheadle: There's a story we've been writing together for hundreds of years.
Voiceover: Oil companies compete with each other ...
DC: It's about all of us. It takes place right here. It started for many of us as economies were built. But growth rooted in extracting from our planet and our people came at a cost.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
accelerate solutions 2
takes place 2

Important Words

  1. accelerate
  2. action
  3. activate
  4. built
  5. champion
  6. climate
  7. collaboration
  8. companies
  9. compete
  10. cost
  11. countdown
  12. crisis
  13. don
  14. economies
  15. educate
  16. extracting
  17. global
  18. growth
  19. hundreds
  20. ideas
  21. initiative
  22. intended
  23. oil
  24. people
  25. place
  26. planet
  27. play
  28. role
  29. rooted
  30. solutions
  31. started
  32. story
  33. takes
  34. turning
  35. vital
  36. writing
  37. years